Spa & Swimming Pools
One of the growing trends in the UK, is for home owners is to lavish themselves with a Spa Pool or Hot Tub.
With a very wide range of products available the choose from the list is endless, and with new inervations coming along all the time the choice gets better. However which ever option you choose, you will need to power IT!
Case Electrical Services can install the correct power supply and connections for you or the company providing you with the Spa.
Spa & Swimming Pool External Power 
When you have decided upon which Spa or Hot tube you want. You then Need to proved an external power point. 
This is a job for a professional qualified electrician.
We have installed hundreds of External Power Points Spas.
We Install Power points for most of the big Spa Pool Suppliers
We can also provide the lighting to create the perfect mode for these relaxing times
